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How You Can Boost Sexual Health at Home

How You Can Boost Sexual Health at Home

Sexual health is a state of well-being that makes it possible to fully engage in and enjoy sexual activity. Taking care of your sexual health is part of caring for your overall health, including your emotional and physical well-being. 

Family, career, social, and a host of other obligations make it challenging to prioritize sexual health. At the Women’s Center at Life Point Medical, Monique Petteys, FNP-C is dedicated to helping women feel and function their best. 

Enlisting the help of a women’s wellness specialist is one of the best steps you can take in striking a balance and prioritizing your sexual health. In addition, here are some habits you can adopt at home that can boost your sexual health.

Practice mindfulness

Mindfulness, that is, being present and in the moment, benefits your general health, including your sexual health. With today’s busy lifestyle, it’s easy to slip into autopilot and go through the motions of life, but research supports the idea of practicing mindfulness to boost sexual health.

Women report dramatic boosts in sexual desire and overall sexual function, as well as less sexual distress, after an eight-session mindfulness program, according to a study published in the Journal of Sexual Research. 

And women who meditate experience higher sexual function and desire, according to a study published in the Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy.

We’re rewarded for multitasking in today’s society, but dividing your attention reduces your efficiency and performance. Being mindful means doing one thing at a time and remaining present, in the moment, and fully engaged in what you’re doing. 

Focus on the experience that you’re engaged in, whether you’re eating, working, or brushing your teeth. In addition to boosting sexual health, mindfulness lowers stress, improves personal relationships, and has anti-aging benefits. 

Perform Kegel exercises

Kegel exercises strengthen your pelvic floor and vaginal muscles. Doing them regularly benefits your sexual health in several ways, such as:

The pelvic floor muscles are the muscles you use to stop the stream of urine. To perform a Kegel exercise, contract your pelvic floor muscles for 3-6 seconds and then relax fully for 6-10 seconds. Gradually increase the contraction time to 10 seconds. The goal is to hold a strong contraction for 10 seconds. Repeat this exercise 10 times per session.

While Kegel exercises are very beneficial, they’re not appropriate for everyone. If you have any pain, discontinue them and talk to your provider.

Practice yoga

Yoga is a stress-relieving activity that combines physical postures, focused breathing, and relaxation. It’s a full mind-and-body exercise that offers a plethora of health benefits. 

Yoga boosts all aspects of sexual function, according to a study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. Yoga-practicing women report improvements in sexual desire, arousal, orgasms, and satisfaction. These benefits are heightened in women over the age of 45, the study found.

Free videos online make it easy to practice yoga regardless of your fitness level. Practice yoga three to five times a week for optimal benefits.

When you’re ready to partner with a women’s health specialist for your wellness needs, call The Women’s Center at Life Point Medical at 706-229-4072, or request an appointment online.

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