Life Point Medical, LLC
Primary Care Physicians & Internal Medicine located in Clayton, GA
Incontience Treatment
Groundbreaking BTL EMSELLA™ treatment effectively treats incontinence by strengthening the pelvic floor.
BTL EMSELLA™ stimulates the entire pelvic floor region and musculature by rehabilitating weak pelvic muscles and restoring neuromuscular control. BTL EMSELLA™ is revolutionizing the patient’s intimate health and wellness category, by effectively treating urinary incontinence. Additionally, the technology provides patients with an easy, effective and completely non-invasive treatment option, empowering them to address an often private health issue that can dramatically impact their quality of life.
Incontinence is actually caused by a weakening of the muscles within the pelvic floor region, often a result of childbirth, menopause and the natural aging process.
Harnessing the power of HIFEM (High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic) technology, BTL EMSELLA™ stimulates the entire pelvic floor at once—with a single session providing thousands of supramaximal pelvic floor muscle contractions, comparable to thousands of Kegels. Supramaximal pelvic floor muscle contractions are extremely important in muscle re-education of incontinent patients.
A recent clinical study demonstrated that 100% of patients had better awareness of pelvic floor muscles as a result of treatment, with 95% of patients treated reported satisfaction and significant improvement in their quality of life following six treatments with BTL EMSELLA™.
For optimal results with BTL EMSELLA™, Dr. Beck recommends a series of six, twice–weekly, 28 minute treatments.
Call or schedule your visit online today!
Phone: 706-782-0016
Fax: 706-782-0180
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