Who Can Benefit From IV Hydration?

Water is an essential element that supports the normal function of every cell, tissue, and organ in your body. Keeping your body well hydrated not only helps maintain normal body function, but may also improve mood, concentration, and sleep.
But are you getting enough fluids to maintain adequate hydration? At Life Point Medical in Clayton, Georgia, our board-certified internal medicine physician, Dr. Timothy Scott Beck, understands how hard it can be for some people to drink enough water and fluids to maintain hydration.
For those people struggling to meet their fluid needs, we offer intravenous (IV) hydration. Find out below if you might benefit from our simple, safe, and effective in-office treatment.
IV hydration and your health
Your daily hydration needs may vary depending on your physical activity, the weather, and your medical needs.
If you’re sweating excessively, either from physical activity or the heat of the summer, your body may be burning through your fluid reserves.
Even if you carry your water flask with you everywhere you go, you may forget to drink or refill, causing you to fall below optimum hydration levels. Failing to drink an adequate amount of water may affect your immune health, energy levels, and mood.
Hospitals have been using IV hydration treatments for years to help people feel better. But you don’t need to visit the nearest emergency room to replenish your lost fluids.
We offer safe and comfortable IV hydration treatments at our office to address those non-urgent health issues and help you feel more like your usual self.
IV hydration therapy works faster than drinking fluids, and we can add vitamins and other nutrients to your IV hydration treatment to boost your health.
Who benefits from IV hydration?
Anyone unable to meet their hydration needs from drinking may be a good candidate for IV hydration. You may benefit from a rapid infusion of fluids if you’re:
- Recovering from an illness
- Suffering from jet lag
- Losing excess fluids from diarrhea or vomiting
- Exercising for long periods of time or in hot temperatures
- Suffering from hangover symptoms related to dehydration
We also specialize in chronic care, and may recommend IV hydration to help you manage your chronic health condition, such as migraines or chronic fatigue syndrome.
Though IV hydration offers benefits to many people, it may not be recommended if you have congestive heart failure or kidney disease.
Getting your IV hydration
We provide IV hydration at our office. Before we recommend the in-office therapy, we first conduct a comprehensive history and physical and may run blood work if we have concerns about vitamin deficiencies.
After your evaluation, we design your personalized IV hydration therapy cocktail to meet your health and nutrient needs. One of our experienced registered nurses administers your IV hydration and remains with you the entire time. Treatment usually takes 45-60 minutes.
Soon after your infusion starts, you may notice an improvement in your symptoms and energy levels. Once completed, you can go back to your usual activities.
For those who live an active lifestyle and have a difficult time maintaining adequate hydration, we offer daily IV hydration treatment.
To learn more about IV hydration and how it can benefit you and your health, contact us by phone or online today to schedule a consultation.
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